A month in Cambodia
A month in Cambodia has flown by, and it's time for the next chapter: Russia! I'm back in my homeland, taking care of some essential tasks – renewing my documents, reconnecting with my parents, and applying for a Schengen visa. This is all in service of a bigger goal: registering a company to help us grow and make a bigger impact.

Here's a glimpse of what we achieved in Cambodia, thanks to your incredible generosity:

💛 Debt Relief for Granny Seng: We helped Granny Seng clear her debts (over €2,000) and start a new life, free from burden. Trying to survive, Granny Seng took out one loan after another. Eventually, the interest rates climbed so high that she was working from early morning to late night just to make payments. We calculated the total amount and realized it was impossible for her to pay off the debts on her own. After we helped her clear her final debt, she said, "It was like I was drowning, and then a miracle happened – I was saved."

💛 Monthly Allowance for Granny Seng: I established a monthly allowance for Granny Seng. Initially, she considered starting a small barbecue business like her daughter, but ultimately decided to stay home, cook, clean, and take care of the house while her daughter works. Sadly, Cambodia lacks a pension system to support elderly people like Granny Seng, allowing them to relax and enjoy their golden years. That's why we decided to create this allowance for her.
💛 Medical Care for Grandpa Ta-ee: We took Grandpa Ta-ee to the doctor and secured medical help for him. He received prescriptions for medication, vitamins, and food supplements. His poor diet had led to vitamin deficiencies, causing weakness and dizziness.
💛 Shopping for Our Elders: I took Grandpa Ta-ee, Granny Seng, and her daughter shopping – separately, of course! 😁 My father asked me why I didn't take them all at once and even suggested a little "matchmaking" between Grandpa Ta-ee and Granny Seng! ❤️❤️😅 They all bought new clothes for temple visits, as they are Buddhists and attend the temple every Buddha day. On these days, they also observe a fast, abstaining from food after noon and meditating. 🧘‍♀️
💛 Food Program for Ta-ee Village: You've probably already seen this reel - we launched a food program for the residents of Ta-ee village. They'll receive groceries from the local market once a month. One of our paid helpers will manage this program every month.
18 SEPTEMBER / 2024

Author: Samalia Swan
Photo by: Samalia Swan
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