Art Serves
Big Charity Collab
This is a Charity Online Art Gallery. 50% of all sales will directly support our Food Program through our Charity Fund, while the remaining 50% will go to the artists to compensate for their time and delivery.
We Can
a Difference
Set of Postcards
"Believe in miracles"
I created this Art Project to spread awareness on problems that elderly face in Asian countries and all over the world. Support my mission by purchasing a set, or individual postcards. 100% of funds will go to the Charity Fund.
more about our
Our Charity Fund is committed to supporting elderly individuals in Asian countries. At the moment, we are striving to provide food for over 50 seniors in rural areas of Cambodia. In many Asian countries, it is the family, rather than the government, that takes care of the elderly. When seniors are left alone, they often have no one to rely on for support. Our mission is to expand our monthly food program to ensure consistent care for 50 elderly individuals in need.

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